Stoopid monkay said:
What a stupid thread.
YOUR stoopid, so go piss in your mouthe and drenk it! HA!
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Stoopid monkay said:
What a stupid thread.
YOUR stoopid, so go piss in your mouthe and drenk it! HA!
in the january 2013 study watchtower:.
alex got caught up in trading in the stock market, thinking he could soon quit his job and enter the pioneer service.
I wish I kept it now, but I had a photocopy of notes taken by some JW who attended their golden ticket event last Fall where a GB member went on a tour to speak to invited JWs.
In the notes, it mentioned how some JWs had gotten caught up in the housing market boom and dared to buy a home in the Old System (!), which often meant stretching beyond their means just to buy a shack (and counting on rising prices to extract equity). Being financially naive, some bought at the peak of the market (or even when it started to drop) and ended up losing their homes when the market crashed. From the podium, these individuals were blamed for not putting Jehovah first in their lives, so it was more of that blaming those hurt when things don't work out (which IS somewhat true, but for a different reason: anyone who bought without understanding a crash was coming was not doing their homework, or had never seen a market bubble before).
So a different topic, but the same old theodicy question: YHWH gets credit for blessing someone when things go well, but the individual JW gets the blame when things don't go so well. YWHW always comes out on top.
PS there was also a warning about credit card debt: I dunno if that was a problem coming up on the radar of the GB from the field, but there was a little diatribe about avoiding the trap of materialism enabled via use of plastic.
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
EP, the same thing happens to all authors, all the time: they get readers who dare to tell them what their story actually meant. If it happens even when the author is alive, imagine what happens with a work of fan fiction which was compiled by hundreds of contributors over a thousand years, who died long ago! Overlooking the obvious continuity errors, some will claim the multiple authorship of the bible serving as PROOF it must be divinely inspired (my brother is one of those people). And of course that doesn't begin to cover the interpretation AKA "new light" some will try to sell to others...
In a sense, it's par for the course: JWs argue using a fallacy of "favoring the impossible over the improbable", in defiance of extraordinary claims needing more proof.
For example, since evolution is improbable to occur (which IS true, if you ignored the time frames over which it's operated) then a supernatural being must've created life (which presupposes an all-powerful being without a beginning). In essence, they're upping the ante without any basis, as if throwing up their hands since they cannot figure it out.
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Sab said:
" I love that movie. It's full of religious allegory to the point of almost warranting the prophecy tag."
Heh, funny you'd mention that, as the longstanding claim has been that the story was an allegory of the Populist party of Baum's day, even taught as such. HOWEVER, simply because a story lends itself to an allegorical interpretation does NOT mean the author INTENDED it to serve as a particular allegory. Being that you're willing to live your life based on allegories of the Bible, you'd be wise to study the subject of literary criticism, perhaps starting with Baum's "The Wizard of Oz".
Sometimes authors simply enjoy creating a complex puzzle, as an inside joke, a literary prank, pulled off by a trickster (a character common to ancient mythology, as well). Musicians and composers do it all the time, in the language of music and lyrics. There is no deeper meaning to it, other than just as a means to get a laugh or two (Steely Dan are fully in that tradition, enjoying whenever people get hung up on arguing over what their lyrics really mean (and some of their lyrics ARE incredible rewrites of ancient themes, eg 'Home at Last' is based on Homers Oddessy), but sometimes that's the point: the meaning is up to the listener to decide, but it's not authors original intent.
Here's an interesting start:
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Per the Bible, God is perfect, Sab. If he created things that in turn created evil, he clearly did it on purpose: he is PERFECT, and doesn't make mistakes. So if only by proxy, by a second agent, God created evil.
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Never seen Wizard of Oz, Sab?
it went as expected.
i had multiple opportunities to pounce on their inconsistencies....but i refrained.
because i was recording it.
The caveat in recording is to check on legality before doing so: many states are "two-party" consent states, where you need permission of the other parties to record or risk criminal prosecution/felony conviction (prison time + fines).
okay, now it's my turn to start a thread about the gb/fds "new light" now that it's been well covered by many threads.
i've noticed that a few have brought this subject up with dub family who accepted wt "new light" without objection, saying that it "made sense" for the fds to only be the gb.
so i have an idea of how to bring this up with my family in such a way that will highlight that this doesn't make sense... at all.. and the timing of this whole thing is incredibly convenient for me since it wasn't that long ago that this came up with my parents and i said that the wt interpretation of the fds in matthew was out-of-context and flawed.
Sir82 said:
"Those 2nd century - 19th century guys were anointed, but they were not part of the "faithful and discreet slave". They have in effect created a 2-tier system of anointed Christians - those of the FDS, and those who are not."
OK, but that article is describing the domestic slaves (who may or may not be anointed).
Soooo, who was performing the role of the FDS before 1919?
Were those domestics feeding themselves for 1,900 years?
And where exactly WAS the FDS from 33CE to 1919CE (perhaps out drinking)?
If the FDS was nowhere to be found, and wasn't feeding the domestics for 1900 years, then WHY EXACTLY should the slave be deserving of reward for a job well done when the master returned in 1919 (that is, if the master can find the head slave)?
They've re-interpreted the parable, alright, but messed up the time-line, and have even made themselves out to be the evil servant (eg Olin Moyle's charges as supporting evidence).
discussing the recent boe letter regarding child molestation this morning with my wife (she actually brought it up) , and she commented on how absurd it was - it just did not make sense!
but there was one way that it could make sense.
she said "what if someone at the top on the governing body was a child molester and wanted to cover everything up?
Honestly, I think that's going a bit down the conspiracy theory road, ALA some of the whacky subliminal images Illuminati threads we see on JWN.
More likely is that the policy simply reflects the ideology of a group of males who've been living in an isolated sexist environment (the OT can only be described as misogynistic), and as non-lawyers, they are struggling to develop policies to adapt to an ever-evolving modern legal milieu that they have always been trained to think of as inferior to God's law. It reflects their disdain for a predicament that has not disappeared, despite being swept under the rug. That's all it takes, no vast conspiracy....
in the january 2013 study watchtower:.
alex got caught up in trading in the stock market, thinking he could soon quit his job and enter the pioneer service.
Man, that 'Alex' dude really leads an interesting life! Is he like the "go-to" attribution for all experiences?
Of course, if Alex had made a ton of $$$, it would be evidence of his being blessed. Anyway you cut it, YHWH wins.